Hellenic Cypriot Press Agency

Στους 1.311 οι νεκροί από την έκρηξη βίας κατά αμάχων αλαουιτών στη Συρία * Το Ισραήλ θα σταματήσει να παρέχει ηλεκτρικό στη Γάζα * Η Ουάσιγκτον καλεί τις συριακές αρχές να καταδιώξουν τους "αυτουργούς των σφαγών" * Ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος Ντόναλντ Τραμπ απείλησε σήμερα με επιβολή νέων τραπεζικών κυρώσεων, άλλων κυρώσεων και δασμών στη Ρωσία έως ότου επιτευχθεί μια κατάπαυση του πυρός και μια ειρηνευτική συμφωνία με την Ουκρανία. * Ο γάλλος πρόεδρος Εμανουέλ Μακρόν κατηγόρησε τον ρώσο ομόλογό του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν πως είναι «ιμπεριαλιστής» εμφορούμενος από «αναθεωρητισμό», προσάπτοντάς του πως έκανε «αντιστροφή της ιστορίας» συγκρίνοντάς τον με τον Ναπολέοντα *Η ΕΕ δεν είναι σε θέση να χρηματοδοτήσει τις στρατιωτικές προσπάθειες της Ουκρανίας εφόσον η αμερικανική οικονομική βοήθεια δεν είναι πλέον εγγυημένη, υποστήριξε σήμερα ο πρωθυπουργός της Ουγγαρίας Βίκτορ Ορμπάν * Σφοδρές μάχες στη βορειοδυτική Συρία ανάμεσα σε μέλη των δυνάμεων ασφαλείας της de facto κυβέρνησης και μαχητών «πιστών» στον ανατραπέντα πρόεδρο Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ άφησαν πίσω πάνω από 70 νεκρούς * «Όλοι θέλουμε μια δίκαιη και διαρκή ειρήνη μέσω της ισχύος κι αυτό είναι προς το συμφέρον και του αμερικανού προέδρου Ντόναλντ Τραμπ», είπε αργά το βράδυ αναφερόμενη στον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία η πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής Ούρσουλα φον ντερ Λάιεν. * Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας κ. Νίκος Χριστοδουλίδης δέχθηκε σήμερα το απόγευμα στο Προεδρικό Μέγαρο τον Υφυπουργό για την Ευρώπη και τη Βόρεια Αμερική του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου κ. Stephen Doughty.

Παρασκευή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015



No. 226/15                                                                                        27.11.2015
1. Cavusoglu: We are seeing a constructive approach by the Greek Cypriot side in the Cyprus negotiations 
2. Statements by Akinci during the joint press conference with Cavusoglu
3. Davutoglu will pay an illegal visit to the occupied area of Cyprus on December 1
4. Akinci rejects meeting the Russian Foreign Minister
5. Denktas condemned Akinci for his latest statement saying that there is progress on the Cyprus negotiation talks
6. Atun attended the ISEDAK meeting in Istanbul; He called on OIC’s countries to lift the so-called embargoes
7. A cooperation programme between KTEZO and IDB
8. An EU financial support to the Turkish Cypriot SMEs
9. “Water, ports, telecommunication and electricity sectors” in the occupied area of Cyprus are at risk
10. Erdogan: Turkey would act differently if it knew the jet was Russian; Turkey will not apologize to Russia over downing of jet
11. A group of 26 Turkish businessmen taken into police custody in Russia
12. Russian Ambassador in Ankara summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry
13. Cumhuriyet daily’s journalists arrested for story on intelligence trucks bound for Syria
14. Turkey suspends Syria flights after crisis with Russia

1. Cavusoglu: We are seeing a constructive approach by the Greek Cypriot side in the Cyprus negotiations 
Under the title “Last chance for a solution”, Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (27.11.15) reports that Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has said that they are seeing a constructive stance by the Greek Cypriot side in the Cyprus negotiations in a manner they have never seen beforein the past. Responding to a question yesterday during a press conference with Turkish Cypriot leader Akinci in the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus, Cavusoglu expressed their satisfaction with this constructive approach and added:

We are especially seeing the support of the Greek Cypriot side’s leader, my personal friend Anastasiades and AKEL’s leader my friend Kyprianou. I will invite him [Kyprianou] to Turkey. However, we need to end this issue now. The steps, the approaches exhibited until today are optimistic, but we need to take a result”.  

Cavusoglu recalled thatAkinci and President Anastasiades met six times in November and pointed out that they have achieved progress. “We want to end the negotiating process in Cyprus within the forthcoming period at a point which both sides will accept, both sides will approve easily in a referendum”, he argued adding that they want to put a certain timetable to the procedure, to reach a lasting and just solution accepted by both sides and to hold a referendum the soonest. “Because this is the last chance, we do not want to waste this chance”, he claimed.

Cavusoglu said that during his contacts in the occupied area of Cyprus they discussed their “bilateral relations” and Akinci briefed him on the latest developments in the Cyprus talks. He alleged that the Turkish government and the AKP have always been supporting and will continue to support a lasting solution in Cyprus.

Replying to a question on the issue of the guarantees, Cavusoglu alleged that the reason for which the war, bloodshed and tears seen in the countries of the region do not exist in Cyprus is Turkey’s guarantees. He argued that raising these issues now is unnecessary and aims at watering down the process. Cavusolgu called on Greece to contribute to the process in Cyprus at least half as positively and actively as Turkey is allegedly contributing.

Asked about his country’s relations with Russia after Turkey brought down a Russian warplane in Syria, Cavusoglu argued that they do not want to escalate tension with Russia and that they have a “special economic and political relation”. Noting that they are cooperating with Russia in many fields, he recalled that Turkey has not put sanctions on Russia due to Crimea, like the EU and the West did.

2.Statements by Akinci during the joint press conference with Cavusoglu
Turkish Cypriot daily Vatan newspaper (27.11.15) reports that Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, in statements during a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu following the working lunch they had together with their delegations, expressed his pleasure for the visit of Cavusoglu in the “TRNC” soon after having reappointed as the Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister in the 64th Government of Turkey and he wished him success in his duty.

Pointing out that Cavusoglu paid this visit at a very significant stage, Akinci said: “As you know, I stated also yesterday that we have met with Anastasiades six times in November and have achieved significant progress since the beginning of November.”

Akinci said that the support given by Ankara to a bi-zonal, bi-communal settlement based on political equality is extremely important and added that they have been observing that this support is continuing increasingly. “I would like to thank Mr Cavusoglu. He has been supporting the negotiations in Cyprus for a long time”, he added.
In the period ahead we would like to conclude the negotiation process in Cyprus with a settlement after the referenda which will be accepted and confirmed by both sides. This is our greatest desire and ambition”, Akinci also said. 

Expressing his belief that the relations between Turkey and Greece will move to a better point with the solution of the Cyprus problem, Akıncı stated that he gives importance to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ visit to Ankara and his meeting with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

Akinci concluded saying that they are waiting for Greece to also support the process as soon as possible and as much as Turkey. “Therefore, I would like to highlight once again the importance of Turkey’s support and also the contributions of Ankara for developing the TRNC. We act in awareness that the more we develop our structure and the more we prosper and become self-sufficient the more solid and permanent our foundation of peace will become”, stated Akinci.

3. Davutoglu will pay an illegal visit to the occupied area of Cyprus on December 1
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris (27.11.15) reports that Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, during a joint press conference with the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci in the occupied part of Nicosia, announced that Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu will pay his first illegal “official visit” to the occupied area of Cyprus on December 1.

4. Akinci rejects meeting the Russian Foreign Minister
Under the title “Akinci rejected Lavrov”, Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris Postasi newspaper (27.11.15) reports that Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci has rejected a proposal by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to meet at the buffer zone.
A source close to Akinci told the paper that the interest of a country like Russia, which is a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, in the solution of the Cyprus problem is a pleasing development, but they are expecting Russia to show “sensitivity” on the issue of equality.The source said that this “sensitivity” was exhibited by other foreign officials such as the British Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, the German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier, the President of the EU Council, Donald Tusk and the President of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Junker, who had visited Akinci at his office. The source noted that the US Secretary of State, John Kerry will also visit Akinci at his office and added that they are expecting Lavrov to do the same.

The source noted that the Russian officials submitted a proposal regarding a dinner between Foreign Minister Lavrov, President Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Akinci, after the meeting between Lavrov and President Anastasiades at the presidential palace. Akinci rejected this because Lavrov will visit President Anastasiades at the presidential palace, but there is no visit to Akinci’s office in his program.According to the source, Russian officials told them that Lavrov cannot visit Akinci at his office and cannot cross over to the occupied area of Cyprus. The source said that Akinci would have participated in the dinner, if Lavrov did not visit President Anastasiades at the Presidential Palace, regardless of whether he would visit Akinci at his office.

5.Denktas condemned Akinci for his latest statement saying that there is progress on the Cyprus negotiation talks
Turkish Cypriot daily Vatan newspaper (27.11.15) reports that the chairman of the Democratic Party (DP) SerdarDenktas, in a written statement yesterday, condemned the Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci for his latest statement that Within five months we achieved progress that had not been achieved in 47 years”.

“If you consider as progress to give up the political equality of the Turkish Cypriots, to disclaim the equal sovereignty and abandon Turkey’s guarantorship status, this cannot be called a progress but deterioration”, Denktas said.

He also added the following: “Of course, reaching to a solution means that the sides which are sitting at the table should be in a position to give some things and take other. The problem which derives from this is that we give some things, but the problem is what we take as an exchange”, Denktas said.

Denktas stressed the need for the Turkish Cypriots to be informed about the progress on the Cyprus negotiation talks in order as he said to be ready to walk together with the Greek Cypriots in their common future and added that they should be also aware of what they give and what they have in their hands.

6.Atun attended the ISEDAK meeting in Istanbul; He called on OIC’s countries to lift the so-called embargoes
Turkish Cypriot daily Star Kibris newspaper (27.11.15) reports that the so-called minister of economy, industry and trade SunatAtun attended the Meeting of the Economic and Commercial Cooperation Permanent Committee (ISEDAK) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which took place in Istanbul.

According to a statement issued by the press office of the so-called ministry, the occupation regime was represented at the meeting by Atun and EminBilgen, “undersecretary” of the “ministry”.

Speaking during the meeting, Atun thanked the President of the Republic of Turkey, RecepTayyip Erdogan and ISEDAK for their support to the “TRNC”. He also thanked the OIC and member countries for the decision they received towards the Cyprus problem and for their solidarity and the efforts they exert for the further strengthening of the Turkish Cypriots.

Arguing that due to the “embargoes” imposed on the “TRNC” there is an “inequality” between the two sides in all fields,Atun said that by motivating the Greek Cypriots at the negotiating table to lift the “embargoes”, it will contribute to the efforts aiming to find a solution to the Cyprus problem.

“Undoubtedly, the lifting of the isolation will contribute to the viability of a possible solution”,Atun said and called on all the OIC’s countries to undertake concrete steps without delay and lift the “embargoes” against the Turkish Cypriots.

Providing information during his speech towards the “TRNC’s universities”, Atun said that the “TRNC” has become a “center of higher education” in the Eastern Mediterranean and added that the contribution of the “higher education” in the economy of the “country” is 25%. He added that there are totally 11 “universities” operating in the “TRNC” with students from 125 different countries and 76 thousand students in total.

Atun also briefed the audience about the water transferred project, “water of the century” as he called it and said that the water from Turkey will develop the agriculture sector in the “country”. “I wish and I consider that with the development of the agriculture sector, there will be also an increase on the exports to the OIC countries”, Atun added.

7. A cooperation programme between KTEZO and IDB
Turkish Cypriot daily Diyalog (27.11.15) reports that the Turkish Cypriot Craft and Related Trades Workers Chamber (KTEZO) signed a cooperation agreement with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) on “Apprenticeship and Skilled Training Centre and Training Hardware Development Project”.

During the signing ceremony, the chairman of KTEZO MahmutKanber said that this project is important not only for training but also for social and economic reasons.

8. An EU financial support to the Turkish Cypriot SMEs
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris (27.11.15) reports that the European Commission launched yesterday an event titled “Innovator business” within the framework of the Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) week in Europe in the occupied part of Nicosia.

According to the paper, the EU Commission will cooperate with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in order to safeguard loans for the Turkish Cypriots on December 2015. It is announced that 25 million euro will be given by the EBRD and 1 million 650 thousands euro by the EU Commission for the loans until 2020.

In the opening speech, the head of the EU Support Programme Office MichelaForeshi said that this opportunity will benefit the SME’s in the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus and it should not be missed.

9.“Water, ports, telecommunication and electricity sectors” in the occupied area of Cyprus are at risk
Under the title: “No regulations no funds”, Turkish Cypriot daily HalkinSesi newspaper (27.11.15) reports that no funds were granted by the “finance ministry’s 2016 budget” for the “organizations” in the occupied area of Cyprus related with ports, water, telecommunications and electricity.

According to the paper, these “organizations” did not make any reforms as it was envisaged at the economic protocol signed between Turkey and the occupation regime in 2015.
The economic program signed between Turkey and the “TRNC” envisaged the privatization of these sectors. However, the projects prepared by the “ministries” concerning some departments envisaging the implementation of the built operate transfer model (BOT), were not accepted by Turkey’s Aid Committee. 

The paper adds that due to the fact that no funds were appropriated for some “departments”, their future as well as the personnel’s future is at risk.

10. Erdogan: Turkey would act differently if it knew the jet was Russian; Turkey will not apologize to Russia over downing of jet
Turkish daily Sabah (online, 27.11.15) reports that President RecepTayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu vowed on Thursday that Ankara would not apologize to Moscow over the downing of a warplane on the Syrian border. "I think if there is a party that needs to apologize, it is not us," Erdogan said. "Those who violated our airspace are the ones who need to apologize. Our pilots and our armed forces, they simply fulfilled their duties, which consisted of responding to violations of the rules of engagement. I think this is the essence" he told the CNN.

Speaking to local headmen at the Presidential complex in Ankara during a separate occasion on Thursday, Erdogan said that the downing of the Russian warplane was not an action against Russia, stating that Turkey is in full alert position to protect its borders amid tensions in the region.  "It is out of question for Turkey to have direct military intervention against Russia or any other country," Erdogan stated while saying that Turkey expects all countries and world powers to respect its right to sovereignty.

Erdogan also said that Russia, as the country which violated the rules of engagement should question its action and take precautions accordingly, rather than Turkey which has been subjected to airspace violation.

 Questioning the essence behind claims that Erdogan and government officials are trying to 'Islamicize' Turkey, Erdogan said that 99% of the country is Muslim and it does not make sense to make such claim.  "How can one use such an expression?" Erdogan rhetorically asked, dismissing the claims.

With regards to the attacks on the Turkish Embassy in Moscow, Erdogan said that such a stance is wrong, and added that Turkish security forces would have taken action against such attacks if a similar incident occurred in the country.

"Turkey's strategic partnership with Russia needs solidarity, not threats," Erdogan said criticizing Russia's attitude about dismissing joint projects and added that such attitudes do not suit politicians.

In an interview to France 24 TV channel on Thursday, Erdogan said that "Turkey would have acted differently if it had known the downed jet was Russian". The President also said that he had called Putin on the day of the incident, but the Russian President had not answered his call.

 "Turkey's strategic partnership with Russia needs solidarity, not threats," Erdoğan said in another interview that he gave to CNN on the same day, criticizing Russia's attitude about dismissing joint projects and added that such attitudes do not suit politicians.

 Two Turkish F-16 fighter jets on an aerial patrol intercepted a Russian warplane within rules of engagement when it violated Turkish airspace near the Syrian border on Nov. 24.

The Russian warplane received 10 warnings about its violation within five minutes before it was shot down.

Meanwhile, Erdogan on Thursday harshly criticized those accusing Turkey of buying oil from Daesh, and called them to prove their 'baseless' claims. He dismissed false claims about Turkey buying oil from the terrorist organization, while he underscored the importance of fighting Daesh terrorists and restoring peace in the Middle East and North Africa regions.

"Turkey buys its gas and oil from Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Northern Iraq, as well as LNG from Algeria and Qatar," Erdogan said in response to some Russian officials claiming that Turkey buys oil from Daesh. He noted that it is the Assad regime which buys oil from Daesh: "Daesh sells the oil they drill to Assad, whom you (Russia) support" he said.

11. A group of 26 Turkish businessmen taken into police custody in Russia
According to Ankara Anatolia news agency (26.11.15), at least 26 Turkish businessmen were taken into police custody in Russia's Black Sea city of Krasnodar late Wednesday, said Turkish diplomatic sources.  The group was in Krasnodar to attend the International Agricultural Exhibition YugAgro.

They were taken from their pavilions by plain-clothed police officers in the fair area to the police station for "passport control".  The businessmen were held at the police station until early Thursday. They then appeared before a court.

The Turkish businessmen are expected to remain under police custody for ten days before they will be deported by the Russian authorities.

The incident comes just days after two Turkish F-16 fighter jets on an aerial patrol intercepted a Russian warplane within engagement rules when it intruded into Turkish airspace close to the Syrian border.

The Turkish Embassy in Moscow issued an advisory on its official social media accounts for Turkish citizens in Russia, requesting them to carry their passports and other documents and ensure their visas and permits are valid.

The Embassy also reiterated that they should "meticulously obey the rules in Russia and warnings of the Russian authorities".  It further warned Turkish citizens who travel to Russia to check whether the travel documents they filled in upon entering the country conform with their purpose of travel.

12. Russian Ambassador in Ankara summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry
According to Ankara Anatolia news agency (26.11.15), the Russian Ambassador in Ankara AndreyKarlov has been summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry late Thursday, according to a statement from the Turkish Ministry.

The statement said that Turkish diplomatic offices in Russia and the premises of Turkish companies operating in the country have come under a number of physical attacks in the aftermath of the downing of the Russian warplane that violated Turkish airspace Tuesday. "We sadly see that our representation offices in Russia and Turkish companies in the country have been targeted in recent days", the Turkish Ministry statement said.

The statement also said that the Russian Ambassador was told to convey Turkey's expectation from Moscow officials to take additional security measures to protect Turkish diplomatic offices and premises of Turkish companies in the country. "In line with international law, the host country is responsible for the safety of foreign missions [on its territory] under all circumstances. Our concern over this unacceptable situation has been brought to the attention of the Russian Ambassador", the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in the statement.

13. Cumhuriyet daily’s journalists arrested for story on intelligence trucks bound for Syria
According to Turkish daily Hurriyet Daily News (online, 26.11.15), Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dundar and the daily’s Ankara Bureau Chief ErdemGul were arrested Nov. 26 due to a story about Turkish intelligence trucks bound for Syria in early 2014.
“We are accused of ‘spying.’ The President said [our action is] ‘treason.’ We are not traitors, spy, or heroes; we are journalists. What we have done here was a journalistic activity”, Dundar said before testifying to prosecutors November 26.  “Of course this prosecution will help enlighten how these incidents took place, rather than how we covered this story”.

Dundar and Gul were arrested on charges of espionage and being members of an armed terrorist organization based on reports in Cumhuriyet regarding Syrian-bound trucks sent by the National Intelligence Agency (MİT).

Footage released by Cumhuriyet on May 29 reportedly showed gendarmerie and police officers opening crates on the back of trucks which contained what the daily described as weapons and ammunition sent to Syria by MİT in January 2014.

Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan filed an individual criminal complaint against Dundar and Cumhuriyet on June 2, claiming that the story “included some footage and information that are not factual” while saying the person “who wrote the story will pay a heavy price”.

The criminal complaint, which was filed to the Ankara Chief Prosecutor’s Office to be sent to Istanbul where Cumhuriyet is based, argued that the newspaper “participated in the actions” of the U.S.-based Islamic cleric FethullahGulen, Erdoğan’s former ally, whose followers are accused of infiltrating the police, the judiciary and the bureaucracy.

“By publishing fabricated footage and information that were leaked to him by the parallel organization, [Dundar] participated in the actions of the organization’s members who searched the trucks and plotted with fabricated evidence to create a perception … that the Republic of Turkey as helping terrorist organizations,” the complaint said.

The plaintiff accused Dundar of both “trying to manipulate justice” with fabricated material and “violating confidentiality” by publishing the story. Erdogan’s lawyer, MuammerCemaloglu, also requested the prosecutor launch a public lawsuit following the investigation.

Erdogan said on Nov. 24 that whether or not the trucks carried weapons was irrelevant. “What difference would it make whether the trucks contained weapons or not?” he asked, defining the publishing of the story as a “betrayal”.

Erdogan claimed the trucks were set to deliver humanitarian aid to Bayırbucak Turkmens and that the journalists were complicit in “sabotaging” this aid merely to harm the image of himself and the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government.

14. Turkey suspends Syria flights after crisis with Russia
According to Turkish daily Hurriyet Daily News (online, 27.11.15), the Turkish army has suspended flights over Syria as part of an ongoing joint military campaign with the United States against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after it shot down a Russian jetfighter, sparking an unprecedented crisis between Ankara and Moscow.

The decision was taken following the eruption of the crisis with Russia in which a Turkish F-16 downed a Russian warplane early Nov. 24 after it allegedly violated Turkish airspace, according to diplomatic sources. 

Sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, stressed that the suspension of the Turkish jetfighters’ participation in the U.S.-led military operations against ISIL was in fact a mutual decision taken with Russia, which also halted its aerial campaigns near the Turkish border. Both parties will continue to be as careful as possible in a bid to avoid a repetition of such incidents until they re-establish dialogue channels to reduce the tension.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu proposed to his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, a meeting on Dec. 3 or 4 in Belgrade on the sidelines of an international conference. However, the Russian side has not yet confirmed that the meeting will take place.

(DPs/ AM)