Hellenic Cypriot Press Agency

Ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος Ντόναλντ Τραμπ απείλησε σήμερα με επιβολή νέων τραπεζικών κυρώσεων, άλλων κυρώσεων και δασμών στη Ρωσία έως ότου επιτευχθεί μια κατάπαυση του πυρός και μια ειρηνευτική συμφωνία με την Ουκρανία. * Ο γάλλος πρόεδρος Εμανουέλ Μακρόν κατηγόρησε τον ρώσο ομόλογό του Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν πως είναι «ιμπεριαλιστής» εμφορούμενος από «αναθεωρητισμό», προσάπτοντάς του πως έκανε «αντιστροφή της ιστορίας» συγκρίνοντάς τον με τον Ναπολέοντα *Η ΕΕ δεν είναι σε θέση να χρηματοδοτήσει τις στρατιωτικές προσπάθειες της Ουκρανίας εφόσον η αμερικανική οικονομική βοήθεια δεν είναι πλέον εγγυημένη, υποστήριξε σήμερα ο πρωθυπουργός της Ουγγαρίας Βίκτορ Ορμπάν * Σφοδρές μάχες στη βορειοδυτική Συρία ανάμεσα σε μέλη των δυνάμεων ασφαλείας της de facto κυβέρνησης και μαχητών «πιστών» στον ανατραπέντα πρόεδρο Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ άφησαν πίσω πάνω από 70 νεκρούς * «Όλοι θέλουμε μια δίκαιη και διαρκή ειρήνη μέσω της ισχύος κι αυτό είναι προς το συμφέρον και του αμερικανού προέδρου Ντόναλντ Τραμπ», είπε αργά το βράδυ αναφερόμενη στον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία η πρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής Ούρσουλα φον ντερ Λάιεν. * Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας κ. Νίκος Χριστοδουλίδης δέχθηκε σήμερα το απόγευμα στο Προεδρικό Μέγαρο τον Υφυπουργό για την Ευρώπη και τη Βόρεια Αμερική του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου κ. Stephen Doughty.

Πέμπτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2013




No. 216/13                                                                                        14.11.13
1. Eroglu: the Greek Cypriots will be disappointed if they do not come soon to the table
2. Eroglu meets with foreign parliamentarians and journalists
3. Siber, Yorgancioglu and Nami meet with foreign parliamentarians and South Africa’s former Defence Minister
4. Atalay is visiting occupied Cyprus for the celebrations of the breakaway regime’s establishment
5. Turkish war planes and frigates will once more violate Cyprus’ airspace and territorial waters tomorrow 
6. Akinci argued that the opening of fenced off town of Varosha may benefit both communities
7. Sertoglu: We have been carrying out work secretly for the past two years
8. Ozgurgun criticized CTP for his contacts with DHSY
9. Breakaway regime will participate in a fair in Northern Iraq
10. Reactions to electricity price increases continue in occupied Cyprus
11. Davutoglu: Turkey never abandoned zero problems policy
12. Erdogan: Nagorno-Karabakh is Turkey's problem too
13. NATO extends Patriots' deployment term in Turkey

1. Eroglu: the Greek Cypriots will be disappointed if they do not come soon to the table
Turkish Cypriot illegal Bayrak television (14.11.13, online) broadcasts that the Turkish Cypriot leader, DervisEroglu said today that the Greek Cypriots should trust the “sincerity” of the Turkish Cypriots and come to the negotiating table, or else “they will be disappointed”.

In his “address to the nation” within the framework of the celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of breakaway regime’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), Eroglu alleged that the excuse of the Greek Cypriots for allegedly not coming close to an agreement on the Cyprus problem is that if the wish of the Turkish Cypriots is realized and a new state is established, the Turkish Cypriots will breach the agreement and ask for recognition of a separate state.

Eroglu argued that if everything goes well, the Turkish Cypriots will not have such intension. “Our Greek Cypriot neighbours must come to the table soon, trusting our sincerity. Otherwise, they will be disappointed”, he claimed alleging that not even a single individual among the Turkish Cypriot “people” accepts entering under Greek Cypriot administration and abandoning bi-zonality, political equality and Turkey’s active and effective guarantees.

Eroglu claimed that their “state” was declared after the Greek Cypriots had not accepted the establishment of a new partnership based on bi-zonality, political equality and sovereignty. He alleged that with “motherland Turkey’s support”, the “TRNC”, as he described the breakaway regime in the occupied area of the Republic of Cyprus, is administered with a “parliamentary system” which “is envied by the world”.

Arguing that the Turkish Cypriots have always been looking for an agreement with their “Greek Cypriot neighbours”, Eroglu reiterated that this agreement could be bound to two politically equal sovereign sides and the principle of bi-zonality. Different interpretations are contrary to the historic realities, he argued.

Eroglu said that the Turkish Cypriots always work together with Turkey and succeed. The best example for this, he argued, are “the universities” which have been established in the occupied area of Cyprus in spite of the so-called embargoes. He said that more than 61 thousand students study in their illegal universities and added that per capita income in the occupied part of Cyprus is around 15 thousand dollars. 
Eroglu went on and underlined the importance of the water which is planned to be transferred from Turkey to occupied Cyprus with pipelines in March 2014. He argued that this might open new horizons, if it is used well.

2. Eroglu meets with foreign parliamentarians and journalists
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (14.11.13) reports that the Turkish Cypriot leader, DervisEroglu met yesterday at his office with foreign parliamentarians, who are illegally visiting the occupied area of Cyprus in order to participate in the celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of breakaway regime’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI).

In statements during the meeting, Eroglu said that they were allegedly waiting for President Anastasiades to come to the negotiating table and “pave the way for the negotiations”. He claimed that the Turkish Cypriots established their “state”, but they are ready for an agreement. He alleged that the Greek Cypriots continue their “intransigent stance” and that peace exists on the island since the Turkish invasion of 1974. He also claimed that the “TRNC”, as he described the breakaway regime, has a democratic system.

Malik Shakir Bashir Awan, member of Pakistani Parliament, BaktybekDjumashov, permanent undersecretary from Kyrgyzstan, FikrimDamka, and MuferraSinik, members of the Parliament of Kosovo, and Francois d’ AssieYomeogo, General Director for Legal Affairs and Dispute from Burkina Faso are participating in the foreign delegation that visited Eroglu.

Meanwhile, according to Kibris, Eroglu briefed yesterday foreign journalists on the Cyprus problem. The journalists are also visiting the occupied area of Cyprus within the framework of the celebrations for the 15th of November, on the occasion of the regime’s “UDI”.

Eroglu told the journalists that the negotiations “stuck” on the issue of the joint declaration and alleged that this is the first time that preconditions are put for the commencement of negotiations. He argued: “First they asked Varosha. What we said is that in case we sit at the negotiating table, property and territory are anyway one of the topics of the agenda and we will discuss it. However, afterwards, a new precondition came up. Let us make a joint statement, [they said]. In spite that it has been said that this was not necessary, we accepted the text prepared by Alexander Downer, UN Secretary-General’s special adviser on Cyprus. The Greek Cypriot side was the one who rejected it and we have been discussing the paper for two months.”

3. Siber, Yorgancioglu and Nami meet with foreign parliamentarians and South Africa’s former Defence Minister
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (14.11.13) reports that foreign parliamentarians, who are illegally visiting the occupied area of Cyprus in order to participate in the celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of breakaway regime’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI), held separate meetings yesterday with SibelSiber, “speaker” of the self-styled assembly, OzkanYorgancioglu, so-called prime minister and OzdilNami, self-styled foreign minister of the occupation regime.

Malik Shakir Bashir Awan, member of Pakistani Parliament, BaktybekDjumashov, permanent undersecretary from Kyrgyzstan, FikrimDamka, and MuferraSinik, members of the Parliament of Kosovo, and Francois d’ AssieYomeogo, General Director for Legal Affairs and Dispute from Burkina Faso are participating in the foreign delegation that visited Siber, Yorgancioglu and Nami.

Siber thanked their guests for visiting the occupied area of Cyprus and noted that more than 1000 students from Kyrgyzstan study in the illegal universities there. She asked from the foreign parliamentarians to “carry the TRNC in the media of their countries”.

Yorgancioglu referred to the importance they attach to international relations and noted that they want to develop their relations with the countries from which they receive guests.

According to the paper, the foreign parliamentarians expressed their satisfaction for being in the occupied area of Cyprus for the anniversary of the establishment of the “TRNC” and wished to the Turkish Cypriot “people” to find a solution the soonest and “take the place they deserve” in the world as a “happy, peaceful people”.

Meanwhile, Kibris reports also that Siber, Yorgancioglu and Nami held separate meetings with Royal Meyer, South Africa’s former Minister of Defence, who is also visiting the occupied area of Cyprus. The Cyprus problem was the issue of their discussions, writes the paper, adding that Meyer is known for his studies on overcoming conflicts and disputes in the issues of Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Colombia and Cyprus.

Siber told her guest that the solution of the Cyprus problem was their priority and alleged that the daily life of the Turkish Cypriots is negatively influenced by the non-solution, because of the so-called embargoes.

In his statements, Meyer said that, because of his studies, he knows the “difficulties experienced by the Turkish Cypriots” as well as the opportunities they have in front of them. Noting that South Africa was able to find a solution to its problems, he said that a solution could be reached in Cyprus as well. The important thing is for both sides to have a will for a solution, he added.

4. Atalay is visiting occupied Cyprus for the celebrations of the breakaway regime’s establishment
Turkish Cypriot daily HalkinsSesi newspaper (014.11.13) reports that Turkish Minister in Charge of Cyprus Affairs Deputy Prime Minister BesirAtalay is paying an illegal visit to occupied Cyprus today for the celebrations of the breakaway regime’s establishment heading a large delegation of Turkish officials.

Atalay will arrive at 16.00 and will depart on November 15 at 17.15.

Kibris (14.11.13) writes that Ataly will participate in the inauguration ceremony of various buildings at the illegal Keryneia American University tomorrow, and notes that among them is a “girls only” dormitory.

According to the HalkinSesi, some of the buildings have no licences and were built illegally.

5. Turkish war planes and frigates will once more violate Cyprus’ airspace and territorial waters tomorrow 
Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (14.11.13) reports that Turkish Air Force’s “Soloturk” aerobatics display team will present a show tomorrow in the occupied area of Cyprus.
According to a statement issued by the so-called security forces command, the team will fly over the occupied part of Nicosia at 10.00 in the morning and over occupied Keryneia at 15.30 hours, within the framework of the celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of breakaway regime’s Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI).

Moreover, Turkish Naval Forces’ Gokceada frigate and Burak Reis submarine will anchor in occupied Keryneia’s tourism harbour tomorrow and will be open for visits between 10.00-12.00 and 14.00-17.00 hours. Access to the frigate will be secured by the so-called security forces command through the sea from occupied Keryneia’s Marina.

6. Akinci argued that the opening of fenced off town of Varosha may benefit both communities
Turkish Cypriot daily Ortam (14.11.13) reports that former politician, Mustafa Akinci, speaking in an event organized by the occupied municipality of Famagusta, said that the acceptance of the fenced off town of Varosha to remain closed with its today condition, is not possible. Reminding that according to 1979 agreement, a priority was given on the resettlement of Varosha under UN auspices and the Varosha issue was also included at the package of confidence-building measures in 1993,Akinci said that the opening of Varosha could benefit both communities. Akinci argued that Varosha should come into the agenda with the issues like the direct trade and the opening of occupied airport of Tymvou or an international airport to flights.

Referring to the natural oil reserves found in Cyprus offshore. Akinci noted that the two communities expect that they will share together the wealth of the natural gas and everyone will benefit from it. He warned that this may be a triggering element for peace, but it may also trigger a war due to the controversial plots. Akinci also said that the second dynamic, which will make difficult the Cyprus settlement, may be the financial crisis at the Greek Cypriot side, adding that this may also be a triggering element. 

7. Sertoglu: We have been carrying out work secretly for the past two years
According to illegal Bayrak television (online, 13.11.13), the chairman of the so-called Cyprus Turkish Football Association HasanSertoglu (KTFF) is continuing to hold briefings in regard to the provisional agreement signed with the Cyprus Football Association (CFA) on the 5th of November at the FIFA headquarters.

Sertoglu paid a visit to the Businessmen’s Society (ISAD) and met with its chairman MetinSadi and members of its board of directors.

Making a statement prior the meeting, Sadi praised the initiative taken by the KTFF Chairman HasanSertoglu in Zurich.

Sertoglu, for his part, said they were always working for the future of the young generations and added that their latest move was also aimed towards this end.
Explaining that they had been carrying out work secretly for the past two years towards this agreement, Sertoglu justified their secretive deals by saying that obstacles were continually being put in their way.“If the desired result is achieved with this agreement then this will be a stepping stone for tourism and the country’s economy”, said Sertoglu.

8. Ozgurgun criticized CTP for his contacts with DHSY
Turkish Cypriot daily Star Kibris newspaper (14.11.13) reports that the chairman of the National Unity Party (UBP) Huseyin Ozgurgun criticized the statement issued following the meeting of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) with the Democratic Rally Party (DHSY).

Ozgurgun criticized CTP for the meeting with the party of President NicosAnastasiades who according to Ozgurgun is putting obstacles for the launching of negotiations and added that it is not acceptable for CTP to organize a common action with DHSY.
He went on and alleged that CTP and the “foreign minister” OzdilNami kept silence against President Anastasiades for the “swearing” against the Turkish Cypriot leader DervisEroglu and condemned their behaviour.

9. Breakaway regime will participate in a fair in Northern Iraq
Turkish Cypriot daily Vatan newspaper (14.11.13) reports that Turkish Cypriot producers will participate in the “Iraq Agrofood 2013” fair which is taking place in Erbil city of Northern Iraq.

The Turkish Cypriot producers will participate under the umbrella of the Turkish Cypriot chamber of commerce and with the stamp “North Cyprus” in their products. The fair will be opened between 18-21 of November.

10. Reactions to electricity price increases continue in occupied Cyprus
Reactions to the electricity price increases announced the day before yesterday in the occupied area of Cyprus continue. Under the title “Civil disobedience”, Turkish Cypriot daily Afrika newspaper (14.11.13) reports that the United Cyprus Party as well as Kamu-Sen and Hur-is trade unions made a call yesterday for “civil disobedience”.

Other trade unions and organizations such as the coordination committee of pensioners’ associations, the Businessmen Council, Saglik - Sentrade union, the Union of Nurses and Midwives and Memur-Sen trade union issued statements demanding the withdrawal of the decision.

CemalOzyigit, general secretary of the Social Democracy Party (TDP) accused the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) of behaving like the National Unity Party (UBP). The New Cyprus Party (YKP) said that the increases are “the building stone” of the selling out policy implemented by the regime.    

Turkish Cypriot daily Kibris newspaper (14.11.13) reports that AsimAkansoy, general secretary of the CTP, has also reacted to the price increases announced by his party’s “government”. In statements to Kibris, Akansoy recalled that no salary increases were made to the employees for many years and added that “it is unbecoming to us to try to burden onto the citizens the bill for all the problems in the electricity sector, when it is very well known that people’s purchasing power has decreased”.

He argued that implementing these high increases without securing the support of the members and the organs of the party is contrary to the identity of CTP that supports participatory democracy.

11. Davutoglu: Turkey never abandoned zero problems policy
Turkish daily Today’s Zaman (online, 13.11.13) with the above title reported that  Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has dismissed claims that Turkey is trying to revive its “zero problems with neighbours” policy, saying that it is a dynamic policy and an expression of Turkey's will to establish good relations with its neighbours. 

Speaking on a TV program on Tuesday following his two-day visit to Iraq, Davutoglu stated that Turkey's efforts to establish good relations with Baghdad are not a sign of Ankara returning to its zero problems policy, underlining that Turkey never had a problem stemming from bilateral relations with its neighbours.

“We never abandoned the zero problems policy. The criticisms targeting this policy originate from static comments. This is a dynamic policy. ‘Zero problems' is an expression of will,” he said.

Davutoglu said that Turkey wants to establish close relations with its neighbours and wants to minimize problems to create a foundation of peace.

Davutoglu also refuted allegations that Turkey is acting in a sectarian fashion in the Middle East and said that Turkey never used the sacred values of a community for its own interests.

Davutoglu also blamed foreign media for Turkey's currently rather poor image, saying that there is no powerful international outlet in Turkey that can respond when an anti-Turkey perception is created in the international media.

He said the media can't keep up with the speed of Ankara's foreign policy and that it has a lot to cover in this field.

“To give an example, false news in foreign media can get a powerful reaction in Turkey. The news about [National Intelligence Organization (MIT) head] HakanFidan, even though it has problems, it found a strong hold in Turkey and the agenda was shaped with that news,” he stated.

He said the intense media propaganda campaign against Turkey was first seen after Turkey took a stance against the Egyptian coup. Those that had praised Turkey up until that day suddenly changed their position, he said and he underlined that Turkey's policies on Syria and Egypt both rely on the same principles.
Davutoglu also dismissed reports that Turkey supports al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. He reiterated that Turkey does not have any affiliation with terrorist organizations, adding, “Black propaganda is being spread against Turkey on this issue.”

12. Erdogan: Nagorno-Karabakh is Turkey's problem too
Turkish daily Today’s Zaman (online, 13.11.13) reported that Prime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan has reiterated Ankara's commitment to settle the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia, saying that “Karabakh is not just Azerbaijan's problem, but also Turkey's problem”. 

Speaking at a joint press conference with Azerbaijani President IlhamAliyev on Wednesday, Erdogan noted that Turkey's unconditional support for Azerbaijan continues and described current bilateral relations as “excellent.”

For his part, Aliyev said that Azerbaijan has full trust in Turkey when it comes to the case of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Erdogan's remarks came after a Turkey-Azerbaijan High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council meeting at the Prime Ministry in Ankara.

Aliyev said Azerbaijan is very pleased to see that Turkey is becoming stronger, adding that no initiative could be taken in the region without Turkey's approval and added that Baku knows that Turkey will continue to stand by Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

“We are sure that Turkey will always stand with us on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh,” said Aliyev.

Speaking about the mutual goal of the two states, Erdogan stated that there is increasing growth in the political, military, cultural and economic developments between two countries.

“In economic terms, it [trade volume] is $4.2 billion, and this will continue to grow. Now, our target is $15 billion. By 2020, the trade volume between Turkey and Azerbaijan will reach $15 billion. We have opportunities to make joint investments in natural gas in the Balkans. We will make plans for this. The relevant ministers from the two countries, particularly the foreign ministers, had fruitful talks on what could be done,” said Erdogan.

Erdogan also noted that Turkey and Azerbaijan could take joint steps in the field of defence, saying that the two states would do whatever is necessary as part of the responsibility of being “one nation, two states.”

The Azerbaijani President also added that both countries had made important progress in eliminating visa requirements and that businessmen and academics will be the first to benefit from a new visa deal.

Aliyev emphasized that important projects such as the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) have been agreed by the governments of Azerbaijan and Turkey. He noted that TANAP will change the energy map of Europe.

TANAP, which is expected to be completed in 2018, is projected to have a capacity of around 16 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. Ankara says around 6 billion cubic meters will be consumed by Turkey, while the rest will be sent to Europe.

13. NATO extends Patriots' deployment term in Turkey
According to Ankara Anatolia news agency (13.11.13), NATO officials have decided to extend the term for deployment of patriot missile batteries in Turkey as they believe the threat that might originate from Syria continued.

NATO member states’ permanent representatives evaluated an extension request from Turkey and having been in full agreement that the threat that might target Turkey is still serious, they decided to extend the deployment period for patriot defence missiles in Adana, Kahramanmaras and Gaziantep together with the service of military personnel from Germany, the Netherlands and the US in those cities.

Turkey had requested that NATO reinforce Turkey’s air defence capabilities to defend the population and territory of Turkey. On December 4, 2012, NATO officials agreed to this request.
